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We have launched our new Website

this site will contain all the information about our club, how to get in touch, and all the updates. You can check back everyday.

The sun is shining many days and I have been out working in my garden. I was able to pick up soil and mulch and I have growing my vegetables inside. There are some amazing local companies selling flowers, vegetable and mulch that are offering online order and curbside pick up.

It has taken me a few days and many phone calls to update our benefits, services and covid information lists. I will be updating some of the shops, and services, I have some additions to our services as well as some new information about Covid 19 in our area and benefits available to seniors.

There are very few benefits being made directly to seniors. We must continue to press the government. Our group and town are doing a great job of taking care of ourselves.

We now have a volunteer group available to work for us. If you require help with yard work, delivery of items or would just like to talk about things you can call us or email us, and we can link you up with a volunteer.

If you require a meal or help with services, please feel free to call or email. We can also arrange for cloth masks if needed.

Stores, Pharmacies etc.…...

Foodland continues to offer free delivery and currently has a two day turn around. They have been offering romantic dinners to go for two. They currently have limits on certain items.

Independent continues to offer free pick up from their store location. The wait times can be as long as one to two weeks. They currently have limits on certain items but continue to be well stocked for most items.

Boni Choix continues to offer free delivery and is well stocked. You may be able to arrange curbside delivery.

M and M meats now offer curbside delivery and continue to offer a senior’s discount everyday no minimum charge as long as the order is online. They continue to offer seniors discount on walk in shopping on Tuesdays.

Cindy at Russell pharmacy now has curbside pick up as well.

The Russell Vet, continues to offer delivery and window pick up.

The Hardware stores are no longer open but offer online and telephone orders. As well they offer curbside pick up and delivery (at a cost)

New Services:

There are some new services and updates I am adding to the list, including gardening services, farms, and shops and restaurants.

Beyond the house garden center, 144 Craig St. Each day, we’ll post pictures of plants currently in stock, along with price and pot size.

· To reserve a specific plant, you can call the store at 613.445.5214, email us at, or leave a message on Facebook or Instagram.

· Denise and Sylvain Garden Centre Embrun(next to Boston Pizza) there website is Put in an online order or call and they do curbside pick up.

Moose Creek Mall Chez Therese Clothes they are located in Moose creek and their website is They offer ten dollar flat delivery, huge sales, and an interactive fashion show which is lots of fun. They also offer free curbside pick up.

Moose creek mall vimi shoes: their website is They offer shoes that beautiful and comfortable. They are having a great sale. They also offer delivery and curbside pick up.

Jan’s spices, selling epicure products. There is an interactive facebook page at Jan’s Spices. She features recipes, videos ect. If you want a link to the brochure you can contact her at 613 370 0555.

Sweet Legs with Angie: For tights, leggings, and comfortable tops contact Angie in Winchester she has a facebook page and a website Sweetlegs Winchester with Angie. She has fabulous clothes at reasonable prices and offers curbside pick up and delivery.

Dave Stewart offers tree trimming and yard work, call 613 370 0555.

Gazoo Donuts: They sell homemade cinnamon donuts; they have delivery and curbside pick up.

There website is:

AnnMarie Desjardin pampered chef consultant. Her face book page is available and her website is Her contact info is as follows Anne Desjardins- Independent Pampered Chef Consultant Home: 613-445-9800 Cell: 613-794-8298 Email:

New Information regarding our township:

Please continue to monitor the EOHU website for updates. As of yesterday new measure were announced that all stores and persons must adhere to .

COVID-19 Statistics for the EOHU Region

Total Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in EOHU Catchment Are 91, 3 in hospital and 2 in ICU.

We currently have six new cases in Prescott Russell Township.

Updates for financial benefits:

Our Foodbank in Russell wrote a note to us about how their service works and who could benefit from it. If you require assistance you can call them at 613 443 2793. They can accommodate special requests and we can arrange a volunteer to pick up your items. They have received a grant from the federal government which will be helpful at this time. Please do not hesitate to avail yourself or to tell other people about this.

The government has promised money for seniors’ programs through the united way. If you call 211 with questions you can be linked up to services. If you are not sure feel free to call me and I can investigate.

The provincial government announced that anyone receiving the GAINS benefit will receive an extra 83 dollars per month for the next few month. You must have a certain income under 10 thousand to qualify for gains.

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Good Day,

We are continuing our isolation and or distancing. I try and go for a walk everyday, and I try and go for a drive as well. We have discovered some interesting little routes along Glengarry and have found some interesting little towns, and some very cool ruins. The ruins at St. Rafael are beautiful and the area is quiet with no people both times I have been. Remember if you are not sure contact your township, or city for a list of the parks that are walk through or closed completely. This is a time of reflection, and reading and healing, we come together as a group to ensure we do all we need to do so we can meet again and have fun and spend time together at various activities and events.


Winchester Foodland is also offering a home delivery service currently it is free, but next week they will begin charging between 5 and 15 dollars depending on where you live. They have senior hours from 8-9 am and are controlling the number of persons in the store. They would prefer people use their plastic bags and will not pack bags brought from home. If you are in and they do not have what you require email or call to see when it will be back. 6137741958 As well if you are looking for something you cannot find in our area, call and ask them.

Keurig Warehouse, 1974 Des Pins St. Limoges their phone number is 1-613-443-3034. They have coffees, teas, espressos, hot chocolate available to buy. They are having a sale 24 pods for 10 dollars tax in for most items. You can call put in an order and they will give you the total. You can send an e transfer and arrange a pickup time. AS well don’t forget to ask for their card, after 12 purchases you get a free promotional box. They are a hometown business and please support them.

GST One-time payment

You will get the extra payment amount automatically if you normally receive the GST/HST credit and have filed a 2018 tax return. Payments will be issued on April 9, 2020.

The one-time payment will be calculated based on information from your 2018 tax return.

The maximum amounts for the 2019-2020 benefit year will increase from:

  • $443 to $886 if you're single

  • $580 to $1,160 if you're married or living common-law

Please note there are no changes to the benefits to seniors, if you have any questions or need additional assistance, check the websites and call 211 they can connect you to every service that is available, and the wait times are reasonable.

As of April 8, there are 47 confirmed cases of covid in Eastern Ontario, with 5 people in ICU.

There is a new Covid test centre in Casselman —it is a drive-through location at 872 Principle St., the local office of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit. It will be open M-F 8-3.

In Cornwall, the new centre is by-appointment only and is located at 850 McConnell Ave.

Anyone wanting to book an appointment at the Cornwall testing centre should call 613-935-7762 between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

If there are persons who require cloth masks, please get in touch by phone or email and we will connect you as we have a few people who are willing to sew masks as required for our group. Keep safe distances, avoid going out and wash, wash, wash. If you have been out put your jackets and gloves and hats and mask, scarves in the dryer for 10 minutes to kill any bacteria.

Lastly remember to keep in touch with friends, and family and call someone everyday just to see how they are doing. If you require help or know someone who does please feel free to call so we can arrange to help.

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Good Day 55 plus members:

I am writing with an update for this week. Yesterday a state of emergency was declared in Eastern Ontario. There are currently 4 confirmed cases in Eastern Ontario. There are 250 plus awaiting results.

The Mayors are reminding people to practise social distancing and to wash our hands often. Make only necessary trips out.

For all your updates refer to and There is information as it becomes available.

Russell Township: I have personally spoken to the Russell township, and at this point Russell is offering no relief for seniors. There will be a meeting on April 3 to discuss the water bill and the tax bill. The monies will still be owed, but there will be no interest accrued during the crisis. Stay tuned for updates Next week.

The nation has been more pro active and has offered a delay in payments of the water bill and tax bill and interest will not be accumulated during this time. Go to for updates. The cover page reads:

In order to decrease the financial impact that COVID-19 can have on our citizens, some adjustments have been made to payments for water and sewage and municipal taxes.

· Please note that the deadline for payment of water and sewage has been extended to May 29, 2020.

· The deadline for payment of municipal taxes remains March 27. However, in the event of a delay, no interest will be charged before May 31, 2020 for accounts that are not past due.

· The deadline for the second payment of municipal taxes remains unchanged, May 29, 2020.

Prime Minister Trudeau announced the passing of the bill by the senate, the benefits of the new bill can be found at The best information available for seniors is that there will be an increase to families and individuals who receive the gst credit. These amounts will become payable in May.

Please refer to the website for new information and start dates of benefits.

Lastly, I have been in contact with the telephone number 211. I tried a few random calls and each time I was able to get through within 20 minutes. The operator said early morning, supper time and late evenings were the best time to call. They told me that at this time there are no Covid benefits for seniors other than the gst monthly credit. He said there is nothing else in place at this time. There are however other programs in place for seniors that may have other concerns not related to Covid.


On a positive note I am sharing travel, small drives information. We can take a drive, pack a picnic lunch and go walking in the woods. I am asking people to share some interesting drives.

St. Raphael ruins in Williamstown are amazing and well worth a drive. It’s a quiet place with no real traffic, but it will leave you feeling awesome.

Glengarry Routes Brochure. This is a brochure available online at this link: There are amazing places to see and there are no people around.

Ghost town Grant and Gagnon: Google these and you will find them in and around Limogues. Amazing site.

Ron Brown author of 150 things to see in Ontario, Ghost towns of Ontario, and Routes of Ontario. His books are cheap, and they feature many things within hour so we can picnic and go home to use the washroom.

Please share your adventures or ideas with everyone, and send pictures and or upload to Facebook.

Lastly if you have questions feel free to email me at

Or call me at 613 370 3701.

As always Elisabeth

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