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How much(March 27 update)

Good Day 55 plus members:

I am writing with an update for this week. Yesterday a state of emergency was declared in Eastern Ontario. There are currently 4 confirmed cases in Eastern Ontario. There are 250 plus awaiting results.

The Mayors are reminding people to practise social distancing and to wash our hands often. Make only necessary trips out.

For all your updates refer to and There is information as it becomes available.

Russell Township: I have personally spoken to the Russell township, and at this point Russell is offering no relief for seniors. There will be a meeting on April 3 to discuss the water bill and the tax bill. The monies will still be owed, but there will be no interest accrued during the crisis. Stay tuned for updates Next week.

The nation has been more pro active and has offered a delay in payments of the water bill and tax bill and interest will not be accumulated during this time. Go to for updates. The cover page reads:

In order to decrease the financial impact that COVID-19 can have on our citizens, some adjustments have been made to payments for water and sewage and municipal taxes.

· Please note that the deadline for payment of water and sewage has been extended to May 29, 2020.

· The deadline for payment of municipal taxes remains March 27. However, in the event of a delay, no interest will be charged before May 31, 2020 for accounts that are not past due.

· The deadline for the second payment of municipal taxes remains unchanged, May 29, 2020.

Prime Minister Trudeau announced the passing of the bill by the senate, the benefits of the new bill can be found at The best information available for seniors is that there will be an increase to families and individuals who receive the gst credit. These amounts will become payable in May.

Please refer to the website for new information and start dates of benefits.

Lastly, I have been in contact with the telephone number 211. I tried a few random calls and each time I was able to get through within 20 minutes. The operator said early morning, supper time and late evenings were the best time to call. They told me that at this time there are no Covid benefits for seniors other than the gst monthly credit. He said there is nothing else in place at this time. There are however other programs in place for seniors that may have other concerns not related to Covid.


On a positive note I am sharing travel, small drives information. We can take a drive, pack a picnic lunch and go walking in the woods. I am asking people to share some interesting drives.

St. Raphael ruins in Williamstown are amazing and well worth a drive. It’s a quiet place with no real traffic, but it will leave you feeling awesome.

Glengarry Routes Brochure. This is a brochure available online at this link: There are amazing places to see and there are no people around.

Ghost town Grant and Gagnon: Google these and you will find them in and around Limogues. Amazing site.

Ron Brown author of 150 things to see in Ontario, Ghost towns of Ontario, and Routes of Ontario. His books are cheap, and they feature many things within hour so we can picnic and go home to use the washroom.

Please share your adventures or ideas with everyone, and send pictures and or upload to Facebook.

Lastly if you have questions feel free to email me at

Or call me at 613 370 3701.

As always Elisabeth

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