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November Covid Update


Seniors Update November 30, 2020

From the desk of the President: Elisabetta King


Before I begin, I would like to remind people of our email:, our new club phone number is 613-975-9997. We can also be found on our website at, and on Facebook.

I hope this update finds everyone well. The ride continues as our status seemingly changes from week to week. As of this writing, we are currently in a yellow zone. The numbers are low, and we are urged to continue to wear masks and practice social distancing. Please continue to monitor the Eastern Ontario Health unit website. They have set out the recommendations for Christmas and New Years'.

My immediate family and I will be sharing Christmas lunch, and New Year's Eve together. I am looking forward to a happy New Year that will see the end of this pandemic.

Currently, there are no major changes to the available services. If people require a volunteer to help with anything please feel free to contact us as we have volunteers available to help with driving, delivery and just to talk.

We are also able to provide masks to members if they are required.

We are now meeting for coffee zoom Wed. mornings. The first meeting was fun. It was nice to see all the people who showed up and participated.

We were able to touch base with all the members and there are a strong number of individuals who would like to meet at the arena under safe conditions for activities.

At this time, the decision was made to begin activities the third week of January, once the holidays are over and if we remain in a safe zone. More updates and a schedule will follow later this month or early next month.

We are also hosting some other activities. You will be receiving information as we prepare these events. It would great to see everyone participate, as we have chosen events that are virtually contactless.

Once again, stay safe……………….Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us on the executive.

Elisabetta King

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